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作者: 石花 2024-03-12 14:38:56 菜系 3773次

1. 川菜的口感英语


Roasting, soaking, stewing and other cooking methods.

Known for its "taste", it has many types of flavors and is full of changes, with fish fragrance, red oil, strange taste and spicy taste being more prominent.

The style of Sichuan cuisine is simple and fresh, with strong local flavor. The famous dishes are: shredded pork with fish flavor, Sichuan style pork, Mapo tofu, boiled fish, husband and wife's lung slices and so on.

2. 川菜的口感英语怎么说

Usually fried or roasted,food cooked in Sichuan Cuisine boasts a variety of flavours and diversified culinary styles.


Chilli,pepper, Chinese prickly ash and ginger are most frequently used condiments. So Sichuan Cuisine styled food tastes hot,tongue-numbing,sour and delicious.


With Chengdu flavour as the orthodox, it includes Chongqing cuisine,Dongshan cuisine,Zigong cuisine,etc. It is said that as early as more than 1 000 years ago Sichuan Cuisine was already very unique.


Some of the famous dishes are Fish-Flavored Pork Threads,Fuqi Ox Lung Slice, Mapo Bean Curd and Spicy Diced Chicken with Peanuts.


Fuqi Ox Lung Slice was made by marinating ox lung,beef or chopped entrails,eye-pleasing, tender and spicy.It is said that in the 1930's, Guo Chaohua,a native of Chengdu,and his wife sold ox lung slices for a living. Due to its elaborate cookery and distinctive flavor, it was very popular with the mass consumers, hence its name Fuqi,meaning a couple,that is,the dish was cooked and sold by a couple or husband and wife.

3. 川菜用英语怎么说呢

With nothing more than plain white rice and perhaps a gentle broth, it makes an entirely satisfying meal.

4. 川菜的口感英语怎么写

白烧狮子头:red lion head(白色狮子的头)、burnt lion's head(烧焦的狮子的头)四喜丸子:Four glad meatballs(四个兴奋的肉丸子)京彩:100-year egg(一百年的蛋)孺子鸡:chicken without sexual life(出有性糊口的鸡)铁板烧:iron flooring cremationHusband and wife's lung slice(夫妻肺片)apockmarked woman(麻婆豆腐)

