首页 > 健康> 夏季的饮食调养原则是什么意思(夏季饮食要点)


作者: 韩上 2023-09-14 10:09:50 健康 4259次

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夏天是炎热的季节,气温高,湿度大,人体容易感到疲劳和口渴。 为了保持身体的健康和平衡,夏天的饮食调整特别重要。 那么,夏天饮食调整的原则是什么意思呢?


1 .夏天忌生寒

由于夏季气温较高,人体新陈代谢加快,消化系统相对薄弱。 因此,夏季饮食应避免吃生冷食物,以免伤脾胃。 吃很多煮过、蒸过、炖过的东西,比如热汤、煨汤、炖过的菜。

2 .夏季宜食清淡

夏天身体的作用很弱,容易变得没有食欲,没有食欲。 因此,夏季饮食应以清淡为主,减少油腻辛辣食物的摄入。 多吃新鲜蔬菜、水果、粗粮、豆类等,有利于清热解毒、解暑解渴。

3 .夏天多喝水

夏天天气炎热,人体容易脱水。 因此,夏天要多喝水,保持身体水分平衡。 最好每天喝足够的白开水,不要喝太多含糖、咖啡因和酒精的饮料。

4 .夏天不吃肉类

夏天气温高,人体消化能力相对较差,容易导致食欲不振。 因此,在夏季饮食调整中应减少肉类的摄入,以免加重消化负担。 适量食用蛋类、豆类、鱼类等富含优质蛋白质的食物,可以满足人体对营养的需求。

5 .夏季增加维生素摄入

夏天是水果和蔬菜丰收的季节,新鲜的水果和蔬菜含有丰富的维生素和矿物质。 适当增加维生素c和维生素e的摄入,有助于提高人体免疫力,增强抵抗力。


1 .多吃凉食物

在夏天的饮食调整中,可以吃很多黄瓜、西瓜、苦瓜、草莓等凉食物。 这些食物具有清热解毒、清肺降火的作用。 可制成鲜食、凉拌或清凉饮用水。

2 .合理选择肉

夏天的饮食要选择鸡肉、鱼肉、瘦肉等容易消化的肉类。 这些肉类含有丰富的蛋白质和营养物质,有利于人体健康。 但是,油腻的肉和油炸的肉必须避免导致消化不良。

3 .适量增加粗粮和豆类的摄入

夏天饮食的调整可以适量增加粗粮和豆类的摄取。 粗粮和豆类中含有丰富的膳食纤维和维生素,有助于促进肠道蠕动,调节血糖和脂肪,预防便秘和肥胖等健康问题。

4 .水果请适量

夏天是水果丰收的季节,可以适量吃各种水果。 水果不仅有清凉感,而且富含维生素和矿物质,有助于补充身体所需的营养。 但是,请适量食用,以免引起消化不良。

总之,夏季饮食调整的原则是尽量避免生凉,吃清淡凉爽的食物,适量增加水果、粗粮、豆类的摄入,选择易消化的肉类,多喝水,增加维生素的摄入。 合理的饮食调整可以保持身体健康和平衡




Summer is a hot season with high temperatures and humidity, making people feel tired and thirsty. To maintain a healthy and balanced body, it is especially important to pay attention to diet and nutrition during the summer. So what are the dietary principles for summer nutrition?

Principles of Summer Diet and Nutrition:

1. Avoid Eating Raw and Cold Food

Due to the high temperatures in summer, the body's metabolism speeds up while the digestive system becomes relatively weak. Consequently, it is advisable to avoid consuming raw and cold foods to prevent damaging the spleen and stomach. Instead, focus on eating cooked, steamed, or stewed foods such as hot soups, stews, and braised dishes.

2. Embrace Light and Refreshing Food

In summer, the body's functions are relatively weak, and one may experience a poor appetite and loss of interest in food. It is important to include light and refreshing food in the diet, reducing the intake of greasy and spicy foods. Increase consumption of fresh vegetables, fruits, grains, and legumes to help cool the body, detoxify, and quench thirst.

3. Stay Hydrated

The hot weather in summer often causes dehydration. It is essential to drink plenty of water to maintain the body's hydration levels. It is recommended to drink adequate amounts of plain water daily and avoid excessive consumption of sugary, caffeinated, or alcoholic beverages.

4. Limit Meat Consumption

During summer, high temperatures reduce the body's digestive capacity, leading to a reduced appetite. Therefore, it is advisable to reduce meat consumption to avoid overburdening the digestive system. Instead, opt for moderate amounts of eggs, legumes, and fish, which provide high-quality protein to meet the body's nutritional needs.

5. Increase Vitamin Intake

Summer is a season abundant in fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamins and minerals. Increasing the intake of vitamins C and E in the diet can enhance the body's immune system and improve resistance against illnesses.

Specific Recommendations for Summer Diet and Nutrition:

1. Consume Cooling Foods

During the summer, incorporate more cooling foods into your diet, such as cucumbers, watermelons, bitter gourds, and strawberries. These foods help cool the body, detoxify, and reduce lung heat. They can be eaten raw, used in salads, or prepared as cool beverages.

2. Choose Meat Wisely

When selecting meat for summer meals, opt for varieties that are easy to digest, such as chicken, fish, and lean meats. These types of meat are rich in protein and other essential nutrients beneficial for overall health. Avoid greasy and fried meats to prevent digestion problems.

3. Increase Consumption of Whole Grains and Legumes

In summer, it is beneficial to include ample amounts of whole grains and legumes in the diet. They provide dietary fiber, vitamins, and stimulate bowel movements. Additionally, they regulate blood sugar and cholesterol levels, preventing common health issues like constipation and obesity.

4. Moderate Fruit Consumption

Summer is the season of abundant fruits, and it is advisable to consume them in moderation. Fruits not only offer a refreshing taste but also provide essential vitamins and minerals needed to support the body's functions. Be mindful of quantity to avoid overeating, as excessive fruit consumption can lead to digestive discomfort.

In conclusion, the principles of summer diet and nutrition involve avoiding raw and cold foods, consuming light and refreshing options, increasing fruit, whole grain, and legume intake, choosing easily digestible meats, staying hydrated, and increasing vitamin consumption. Adhering to a well-balanced diet helps maintain a healthy body and effectively cope with various health issues during the hot summer season.

